
維生素-Jarrow Formulas, 素食維生素 D35000 IU60 粒素食膠囊

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  • Supports: Calcium and Bone Metabolism
  • Immune Function
  • 125 MCG (5,000 IU)
  • Vegan
  • Non GMO - Non Genetically Modified
  • Suitable for Vegetarians-Vegans
Jarrow Formulas Vegan D3 is derived from lichen, a plant like symbiotic organism composed of fungi, and algae. Cholecalciferol, D3, exhibits superior biological activity in the body compared to ergocalciferol (D2). Vit維霖診所曹院長amin D3 enhances calcium and phosphorous absorption, stimulates the synthesis of osteocalcin (an important structural protein in bone), and supports a healthy immune function.

Jarrow Formulas, 素食維生素 D3,5000 IU,60 粒素食膠囊







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